Track of the Day: dubspeeka - SK4



Track of the Day: dubspeeka - SK4

This week we had the pleasure of welcoming Christian Nielson to our weekly mix rotation. Mr. PUZL just posted an incredible interview with him along with the full track list which you can check out HERE. It's a great interview. I strongly recommend reading it. His track selection is incredible for the mix, which led me to our selection of the track of the day. Residing towards the later half of Nielson's mix is, 'SK4' by dubspeeka, released earlier this year for Last Night On Earth Records. Comprised of a driving groove, the track gradually builds as a constant drone of background noise and voices fill the air. A pan flute spouts off giving the sensation of waiting at some sort of old school Japanese Train Station, while a gorgeous set of chords stab at the air. More pads and synths are introduces as the track builds. Working their way in and out of the arrangement complimenting one another very nicely. This track is definitely a journey from start to finish.A Bristol based techno producing beast, dubspeeka has been on my radar for a couple of years now. Currently he is traveling through the South Eastern Hemisphere spreading his techno waves through Australia and Bali. His releases for Drumcode are what originally drew me to his productions and since then I have been happily snapping up as much of the original and remix work he has been putting out. Reading through his bio I had a holy cow moment when I found out that he was once a member of the group Kosheen. A live act from the 2000's that were responsible for some of the biggest dance hits from that time. 'Hide You' is probably the one that sticks out the most to me. I fricking loved that track and still do.Taking the energy and an insatiable urge to keep producing he created the dubspeeka alias along with his own record label Skeleton. For the last couple of years he has been honing in on his unique style of techno. He has been in high demand all over Europe and now across the world having made an appearance at the techno mecca BPM festival this year along with the legendary Berghain. Not sure what his schedule looks like past July. I hope we will be seeing him out here in LA soon. Here are a couple more from dubspeeka below and don't forget to check out Christian Nielson's mix for us this week as well.


Track of the Day: Guy Mantzur, Roy Rosenfeld - Kruizer


LAMP Weekly Mix #131 feat. Christian Nielsen