LAMP Premiere: Von Gold - Defectio

LAMP Premiere: Von Gold - Defectio

If every day is a gift then this morning is the big box under the Christmas tree with your name on it. Today we have the pleasure of premiering a track for our good friends and party companions Mike Von Gold and the Understated Crew. On July 10th the Munich-born, LA/Phoenix-based Von Gold is slated to release his debut single ‘Defectio’ for Understated’s new label Understated Recordings.[soundcloud url="" params="color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]Von Gold describes his new tune as “a hypnotic tech house track [with] dark, chaotic synths that are meant to let the listener get lost in the moment.” ‘Defectio’ leads in with a strong kick, hi hats on the off beat, and a cool little echoing sample that makes you feel like you are trudging along down a long dark hallway. But the highlight of the song is that deep, bouncy bassline. It sucks you in and succeeds in accomplishing exactly what Von Gold was shooting for, it makes you forget about the outside world and just enjoy the moment. ‘Defectio’ is a fitting title. In the original Latin it means exactly what you would think it means: a defection, a rebellion. The dark undertone of the title certainly bleeds into the tune with a whole slew eerie samples and effects that prop Von Gold’s debut effort up into a strong tech house track. Great stuff!Look out for Defectio exclusively on Beatport, available for pre-order starting July 6th, with official release on July 10, 2017. The release will be available on all major digital music stores on July 24, 2017.Founded in October 2016, Understated is the event production company founded by Understated resident DJs, Micah Smith and Monsieur (Mike) Frazier (f.k.a. Sunset Groove / Frazier | Smith), and their long-time manager, Zach Piehl. The production team consists of Mekenna Ball, Menglin Ruan, Andrew Conde, and visual artist, David Gao. Understated’s fourth official event is set for July 28th, 2017 at an undisclosed location in Downtown Los Angeles. A separate event celebrating the launch of the label is currently in the works.And don't forget to check out Von Gold's contribution to our Weekly Guest Mix series from a couple weeks ago! It is chock full of that dark German fire![soundcloud url="" params="color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]


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